Root canal treatment or RCT is a procedure which all of us are now aware of.Most of us have either undergone this procedure or have seen it happening in any of our family members but still there are a lot of misconceptions which needs to be corrected here.

Q)I Am Very Often Asked This Question-Dr. I Am Not Ready For RCT Right Now- Can You Do A Filling Now ?And I Will Later Get The RCT Done.

  1. Kindly Understand -RCT Is Done When The Infection Or Cavity Or Decay In The Tooth Has Already Reached Into Deeper Softer Part Of The Tooth Called As Pulp-Which Mainly Comprises Of Blood Vessels And Nerves.
  2. Filling Is Done When The Decay Has Not Reached Into The Pulp. So Both These Procedures Are Not Interchangeble.
  3. There Are Clear Cut Guidelines When Each Needs To Done And Whatever Is Indicated Should Be Done.


(A) RCT Is Always Done Under Anaesthesia So Its Always A Painless Procedure.Application Of Anaesthesia Is Also Almost Painless Now And Is Just Like A Mosquito Bite .Once Your Tooth Is Numb You Dont Feel Anything While We Are Working And Also Once The Anaesthesia Wears Off The Discomfort Is Negligible.You Might Need Minor Pain Killers That Too Are Given On Need Basis And Not In A Fixed Dose.

(B)The Problem Happens When Because Of Our Fear We Keep Postponing Our Visit To The Dentist And Keep Popping Up Pills (Painkillers And Antibiotics)-These Medicines Do Reduce Down The Pain For Some Time But The Infection Keeps Building Up Inside And Then It Becomes So Complex That The Effect Of Anaesthesia Is Not Very Profound .So The Important Point Here To Remember Is To Visit Your Dentist As Early As Possible.

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 Q)Is It Necessary To Take Antibiotics While RCT Is Being Done?

Not At All- In 90% Of Our Patients We Dont Prescribe Any Antibiotics.When We Are Cleaning The Tooth Manually Why Do We Need Any Antibiotic?

 Q)Can RCT Be Finished In Single Visit?

 I Can Come For My Treatment Only On Weekends -Can I Have My Next Visit For RCT After A Week? Before Replying To These Questions – We Need You To Understand That The Procedure Of RCT Involves 4 Major Steps Namely- Location Of Root Canals,Cleaning Them Up Manually,Disinfecting Them With Chemicals And Then Finally Sealing Them Off.So If We Are Able To Finish These Steps In One Sitting Then We Can Simply Finish Off RCT In One Sitting But In A Routine Normally Its Done Over 2 Sittings To Reduce The Stress Of Finishing Off Everything In One Sitting Which Makes It More Comfortable For The Patient. Yes -The Next Sitting Can Be Done After A Week

 Q)Why Should I Get My RCT Done At Krishna Aesthetic Center?

There Are 3 Reasons To Proceed With Your RCT At Krishna Aesthetic Center Dr Gangil Is The Microendodontist At The Clinic With Experience Of More Than 17 Years.She And Her Team Is Well Versed In Dealing With Any Type Of Complexity With RCT’s-Adults Or Kids. Technological Advancement-Ours Is One Of The Few Centres Where RCT Is Performed Under Microscope.Along With It -The Use Of Rotary Endodontics,Apex Locator ,Sonic Irrigation System With LASERS And Warm Obturation Techniques Will Ensure That You Get The Most Precise And Painless RCT Ever With Long And Strict Appointment Schedules It Is Ensured That Your Time Is Well Respected And We Are Able To Deliver What We Had Promised Sterilization Is Given The Topmost Priority-Every Instruments Goes Through The 3 Steps Cycle Of Internationally Followed Sterilisation Protocol And This Ensures You Are Absolutely 100% Safe At Krishna Aesthetic Center.

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Oxmox advised her not to do so, because there were thousands of bad Commas, wild Question Marks and devious.

Kolis Muller NY Citizen

Oxmox advised her not to do so, because there were thousands of bad Commas, wild Question Marks and devious.

Kolis Muller NY Citizen

Oxmox advised her not to do so, because there were thousands of bad Commas, wild Question Marks and devious.

Kolis Muller NY Citizen