Pigmentation Treatment


Any change or deviation from the normal skin colour is pigmentation. It can be Melanin cells can be stimulated because of various reasons leading to pigmentation . 1.Hyperpigmentation or increased pigmentation as in skin tan freckles, melasma etc.
2.Hypopigmentation or decreased pigmentation as in white spots vitiligo etc.

What is the reason for Hyper-pigmentation?

Hyper pigmentation or increased amount of pigmentation can be seen because of various reasons like-
a.body reason.
b.hormonal issue.
c.Metabolic disorder
d.increased use of some drugs like oral contraceptive
f. pregnancy etc
local reasons-
a.Increased sun exposure or exposure to screens
b.Improper use of sunscreens
c.Dryness and dehydrated skin
d.Excessive use of face washes scrub cosmetic etc.
e.P1H ( post inflammatory healing ) after any injury etc in case of Acne etc.

What are the different types of pigmentation (hyper)?

For easier understanding pigmentation (increased darkening )can be described as three types.
a.Skin tan- A uniform increase in the pigmentation on
b.Freckles - small brown black spot that appears on the nose and cheeks
c.Melasma- Large brown patches of pigmentation seen on skin.

What is skin tan and why does it happen?

Melanin cells are present in the second layer of our skin. wherever there is increased sun exposure and our skin is not protected against it. These melanin cells start producing the pigment melanin to prevent our skin from sun damage. This causes the appearance of a tan.
Pigmentation is actually of protective repose to protect our skin from damage. It is because of the darkness it does not look good when we have tan.

What are freckles and how do they happen?

Simply put freckles are sunspots they are mainly seen in the light/ fair skin individuals. The culprit is the size of the melantor producing cells.they are usually brown or black in colours.
Freckles tend to increase in size and become darker in colour in the summer seasons and reduced in size and become lighter in the winter season.

I have dark spots on my face and body that do not change in season. What are they?

These can be lentigines that appear as black and brown flat spots of varying size on the face and body. they remain the same in size and colour throughout the year.


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At Krishna Aesthetic Center the best doctor for pigmentation , follow a holistic approach to treat tan, freckles and melasma.

We are pleased to offer you the chance to have the healthy

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Oxmox advised her not to do so, because there were thousands of bad Commas, wild Question Marks and devious.

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Oxmox advised her not to do so, because there were thousands of bad Commas, wild Question Marks and devious.

Kolis Muller NY Citizen

Oxmox advised her not to do so, because there were thousands of bad Commas, wild Question Marks and devious.

Kolis Muller NY Citizen